Selling and Buying Residential Property

Selling and Buying properties in the one transaction 

Selling your property to purchase another generally runs smoothly if the process is managed correctly.  Mott and Associates will assist in ensuring that the transactions settle simultaneously and corrospond where required.  We will do everything we can to ensure the appropriate clauses are in the sale and purchase contract, and that both settlements are completed in a timely manner.  


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What should I do before I sign a contract to purchase the new property?

What should I do before I sign a contract to purchase the new property?

Once you are ready to put in an offer on a property please feel free to provide our office with a copy of the contract to review.  We provide this service as part of the standard residential fixed price conveyance. The agent will provide you a copy of the contract upon request or we can attend to drafting the contract for you if there is not an agent involved in the transaction. If the agent has prepared the contract, we will review same to ensure it is in the correct template and valid template.  At this time, we will also ensure all special conditions are drafted correctly.  We will ensure that the special condition requiring any purchase is subject to the sale of your existing property is included if required.

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All we need is a few details and we'll be in touch. Note: If your matter is urgent please contact us on (07) 3180 3580.
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