Enduring Power of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) allows you to give someone you trust the power to act in your place.  EPA's can be drafted to come into effect immediately or when something should happen to cause you to lose capacity to handle your own affairs.  It is quite common and recommended for married couples to have an EPA in place for each other, so the partner can deal with the couple’s assets should something happen to their partner.

EPA's can allow the nominated attorney to make personal and health decisions for you.  The attorney can be allowed, if desired, to make a broad range of decisions such as consenting to medical assistance or certain decisions to refuse medical care on your behalf. (However, this can be overridden by an Advance Health Directive so it is important to recieve the right advice.)  

An EPA is a very powerful document and the decision to have one in place must be carefully considered.


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What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document that allows you to nominate someone to act as an "attorney" on your behalf.  Depending on how the document is drafted the attorney may be able to make personal and financial decisions on your behalf.  This allows the attorney to act in your place as if they were you. There are some restrictions.  

Contact us for further information.

Can I have multiple attorneys?

Can I have multiple attorneys?

Yes, you can have muliple attorney's and you can give them all different powers.  

You can also give them the same powers but direct that they act jointly (i.e. all have to agree with the decision).  You can also make it so they can vote if they disagree and the majority wins.  It is also an option to set the power so they can all act severally (i.e. any one of them can make decisions).  

When does a power of attorney start?

When does a power of attorney start?

It is up to you when a power of attorney starts.

You can have it commence:

  • immediately from when it is signed;
  • from when you lose capacity; or
  • on some other event.

When does a power of attorney end?

When does a power of attorney end?

An enduring power of attorney does not end until your death. A general power of attorney can be created for a limited purpose e.g. the sale of a property, end on a specific date or any other event required (that is reasonably practical to add to the document).

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